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Five Keys to Developing Consistency

Aug 17, 2023


Five Keys to Developing Consistency

Habits are the building blocks of our lives, shaping our daily routines and influencing our long-term outcomes. Whether you're aiming to break a bad habit or establish a positive one, the process of habit change can be both challenging and rewarding. Here are six effective tips for changing habits painlessly and creating lasting transformation.


Identify Triggers:

Habits are often sparked by cues in our environment or emotions. By recognizing these triggers, you gain the power to interrupt the automatic cycle and replace it with a conscious choice. Whether it's stress, boredom, or a specific time of day, pinpointing triggers is the first step toward change. Make your identification of your trigger more real by writing them down, ‘I want to (your habitual behavior) when (the environment or emotional state that triggers it.)’


Focus on changing key habits.

You probably know from experience how having a poor start to your day can have a domino effect on everything that comes after. Changing a single habit can trigger a chain reaction, leading to multiple positive changes. Waking up an hour earlier and committing to a daily yoga practice for example can boost your energy levels, improve your sleep, and encourage healthier eating choices.


Piggyback the habits you want together.

Use the habits you already have. I’m sure you have some positive habits that you’d like to keep. Leverages the strength of your current routines by attaching the habit you want to incorporate into your life onto one that you already have. By piggybacking a desired habit onto an established one, you increase the chances of success. For example, if you want to make daily yoga practice a habit and already are in the habit of brushing your teeth before bed, make it your goal to include 20 minutes of yoga after brushing your teeth.


Set yourself up for success

Clear as many barriers out of your way as you can. Increase the attractiveness of the habit you're trying to develop by making it easy and convenient to do. For instance, if you want to practice yoga more, keep your space for practicing set up and ready to go. Make it easy to show up and start.


Embrace consistency, not perfection

Consistency beats perfection. It's natural to encounter setbacks on your journey to habit change. Instead of being discouraged by occasional slips, focus on maintaining your commitment in the long run. Even small steps taken consistently can lead to significant results.


In conclusion

Willpower is a finite and ultimately weak resource. If you are relying on willpower to show up and practice everyday you will quickly burn out. To see progress in your practice and stay consistent, focus on developing habits. By identifying triggers, focusing on key habits, piggybacking positive habits together, creating an ideal environment and forgiving yourself for not being perfect,  you'll be well on your way to changing habits painlessly and creating lasting positive change.


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